Rahul Dravid today made it clear that there was absolutely no misunderstanding among senior players in Team India and maintained that Indian cricket is in a "good place"."Absolutely not," he said when asked about rumours about misunderstanding among some senior players in the team during the Australian tour."Like you said, it's only speculation and rumours. There is no truth to it," he told reporters here.Even though the series in England and Australia were "disappointing" as India did not do well, he said, "Indian cricket is in a good place."Rahul Dravid, who holds the world record for most number of catches in Test cricket, today revealed dropping them is far more "frustrating" and "hurting" than getting out."People who played with me tell you nothing frustrates me more than dropping a catch," Dravid, who announced his retirement from international cricket today, told reporters here.He said he did drop two-three catches in recent times --the ones he normally takes -- but said those 'mistakes' did not influence his decision on retirement."When one gets out, one can get over it in 15-20 minutes. But when you drop a catch, it stays with me for a very long time, that hurts in a lot of ways," Dravid said.But he also said while one fields in the slips, one is bound to drop a few catches."Fewer you drop, the better you are."Dravid has taken a record 210 catches, mostly in the slip cordon, in 164 Tests.