The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is reportedly mulling to launch a T20 cricket tournament in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the lines of the much famous Indian Premier League (IPL), and the proposal has already been approved by President Asif Ali Zardari, who is the PCB’s chief patron.According to well-informed sources in the PCB, the board had sent a proposal of starting a T20 tournament in association with Abdul Rehman Bukhatir’s led Bukhatir group of companies.“President Asif Zardari has given his consent to the proposal,” The Daily Times quoted sources, as saying.The proposed league, named the Middle-east Cricket League (MCL)  is likely to be launched in October, and the matches would be played in Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi.“The concept is the same as the IPL. The cricket league will have franchised teams around five or six who will be allowed to sign on and play overseas players,” sources added.Sources said that efforts were on to get clearance and support from the International Cricket Council (ICC) and its member boards and try to find a window for the MCL later this year.Bukhatir has been associated with cricket for the past many years, and is primarily known for his Cricketers Benefit Fund Series (CBFS) venture in Sharjah. The CBFS series was suspended in 2003 following a match-fixing scandal.