Iconic batsman Sachin Tendulkar's ability to adapt to the pressures of modern day cricket makes him better than Australian cricket legend Don Bradman, feels India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni.Dhoni, who faced a barrage of questions from mediapersons about these two batting legends on the eve of the second Test against South Africa in Durban, also said that he doesn't like any comparisons to be drawn between the two."There is no doubt that both are brilliant batsmen, but Sachin has been around for two decades, the best in the world and had moreover throughout his career could adapt even with the demands of one-day cricket and more recently the Twenty20 version," the skipper was quoted as saying by the South African daily The Beeld today."I do not like comparisons between Sachin and Don because they played in different eras," said Dhoni. Tendulkar is the leading run maker in the history of Test cricket with 14,513 runs in 175 Tests. He recently completed 50 centuries in Tests at the Super Sport Park in the first Test against South Africa at Centurion.Bradman, who died in 2001 at the age of 92, holds the record of the best batting average of 99.94 in 52 Tests. Dhoni said Tendulkar's presence is still an incentive for each of his teammates."He's the kind of guy who get the best out of whoever he bats," said Dhoni."I was on the other side of the pitch when he earlier this year struck that 200 not out against South  Africa in Gwalior in a one-day game," said the captain.