Tiger Woods' 'no sex' vow

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The champion golfer has vowed never to have sex with another woman unless he really feels something for her, says a new biography.

Champion golfer Tiger Woods has vowed never to have sex with another woman unless he really feels something for her, says a new biography.

In his book The Big Miss, due to be published in America on Tuesday, Hank Haney paints the 36-year-old superstar, as rude, cheap and completely oblivious to those around him.

“There are some girls who are going to be after me even more now, especially the wild ones. But what I’ve learned is that for the rest of my life I can’t have sex with anyone unless I genuinely feel something for them,” Woods told one of the former coaches after sex addiction therapy.

“If I do, I’m putting myself in jeopardy,” he added.

At dinner with pals, and even with then wife Elin, Woods would get up without a word after he had eaten his meal and leave the restaurant, expecting everyone to follow whether they had finished or not, reports Dailystar.co.uk.

“Woods could be a walking contradiction, charming and then suddenly cold and aloof,” Haney said.