The South African Football Association (SAFA) reminded South Africans that the World Cup was not yet over.
“Our efforts are not over. Our challenge is to continue to host a unique African FIFA World Cup experience by being great hosts, active supporters and loyal fans,” The web site Sports24 quoted SAFA CEO Leslie Sedibe, as saying.
His remarks followed Bafana's 2-1 win over France, which saw the host team exit the World Cup with its pride intact.
"We know that our boys themselves are bitterly disappointed right now at bowing out of this historic tournament.
"However, for the millions of patriotic South Africans that have followed the progress of team from humble beginnings to a competitive unit, a chapter has been written in our football,” Sedibe said.
"It is not easy to carry the hopes and aspirations of an expectant 48 million people on your shoulders with the rest of the world’s attention also fixed on you."
SAFA president Kirsten Nematandani said: “The South African Football Association on behalf of the continent therefore expresses its profound gratitude for all the hard work that the team [did] in placing Africa on the map."