
Tesla CEO Elon Musk's new project focuses on controlling human mind - Details here

The first human trials will aim at treating paralysis or paraplegia focusing on a small number of human patients

  • DNA Web Team
  • |
  • Feb 12, 2021, 11:05 PM IST

Musk's human-computer interface company Neuralink's mind-reading chip will be 10 times smaller than a hair follicle. They will be used in complex tasks such as brain surgery.

Last Year,  Musk's start-up company revealed a pig named Gertrude which had a computer chip in his brain, and the experiment was touted as the first step towards curing human diseases with the same type of implant.

The first human trials will aim at treating paralysis or paraplegia focusing on a small number of human patients, the company`s head surgeon Dr. Matthew MacDougall said.

He had also released a demo video called the "three little pigs demo" which showed the pig with a Neuralink implant eating off a stool and sniffing straw which set off spikes on a graph tracking the animal`s neural activity.


1. Neuralink's new experiment aims to cure crippling diseases

Neuralink's new experiment aims to cure crippling diseases

Elon Musk's company Neuralink has been experimenting to connect science with medicine, raising new hopes for the lives of people who have been crippled by Alzheimer's, dementia, spinal fractures.


Elon Musk is known as the most ambitious person on earth. He has engaged in many previously considered impossible tasks, setting a benchmark for would-be entrepreneurs. Whether it is about going on a space trip to Mars or engineering a super-powered electric car, Musk has dipped his toes in a wide range of avenues. He is now engaged in a task, through which the human mind can be controlled and he can be commanded through a computer.

2. Neural interfaces have been used on animals for years

Neural interfaces have been used on animals for years

Neuralink has been testing neural interfaces on animals for years. In a video released last year, Neuralink also tested this chip on Gyek Pig. In that video, Neuralink showed his ability to record and predict action based on a wired chip placed in the pig's brain. Now Musk's company is going to use its experiment on humans.

3. Human mind to fuse with artificial intelligence

Human mind to fuse with artificial intelligence

Elon Musk's 'mind-reading chip' will be 10 times smaller than a hair follicle. They will be used in complex tasks such as brain surgery. This discovery is at an early stage, but it is being considered as an important step towards connecting the human mind with artificial intelligence.

4. Neuralink's computer chip has impressive success rate

Neuralink's computer chip has impressive success rate

The Neuralink company has so far tested this particular chip on 19 types of animals. The company has said that its testing success rate is 87 percent. Although it is considered impossible to connect AI with the human mind, Elon Musk is known for making impossible feats.

5. With great power comes great responsiblity

With great power comes great responsiblity

 Every scientific discovery has two aspects. Any power can be misused at any time. In such a situation, such questions are also being raised about this project. Because if a human mind is tampered with and can be given commands through a computer, then it can be used for sinister purposes.

 Even though the project is still in its initial stages, people around the world are excited to know what the endgame would be like.

