1. In 1974, Steve Jobs took up a job as a technician in what video game company?
Atari Sega Nintendo
Jobs was assigned to create a protype circuit board for the cult 1976 game Breakout, which he vowed to complete within four days. He was was offered $750, with an extra $100 for every chip that was eliminated from the design. According to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Jobs turned to him, telling him he would split the "$700" Atari was paying. Wozniak drastically reduced the number of chips in the design, not even knowing about the bonus, which amounted to $5,000. He received only $375 and mononucleosis for staying up for four nights straight (and working his day job at Hewlett-Packard) to meet a deadline he didn't know was set by Jobs. His design was so fined-tuned that Atari couldn't mass-produce it.
2. From where did Steve Jobs get the inspiration for using the graphical user interface?
Xerox PARC Marduk 16 Xenon 420
Jobs saw the potential of the interface, that allows users to interact with electronic devices with images rather than text commands, at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center in the 80s and used it for his Apple Lisa and the Macintosh.
3. What was the company formed by Jobs after he was fired from Apple?
NeXt Computer FuTure Werks Zap
Founded by Jobs in 1985, NeXT introduced the first NeXT Computer in 1988, and the NeXTstation a year later. Apple purchased NeXT on December 20, 1996 for $429 million.
4. What was the first movie made by Pixar?
Toy Story A Bug's Life Finding Nemo
Jobs credited as executive producer to Toy Story, the first feature-length film to be made entirely with computer-generated imagery. The film, which met with universal acclaim, was completed on a budget of $30 million, using a staff of 110.
5. When Jobs was back at Apple, what was his yearly salary as CEO?
$1 $5 billion $2 million
Jobs once said that 50 cents was paid by Apple based on attending one meeting while the other 50 cents was based on his performance.
6. What is the reality distortion field?
An app being developed based on Star Trek A term coined by an Apple employee to describe Steve Jobs’s charisma A cutting-edge technology being harnessed by Apple
A term of praise and endearment when used by admirers, but sometimes words of derision from detractors, the term was coined by Bud Tribble at Apple Computer in 1981, to describe the effects of Job’s charisma on the developers working on the Mac project.
7. Who was the author of the book which served as the inspiration for the famous Ridley Scott-directed Apple Macintosh ad?
George Orwell Bertrand Russell HG Wells
1984, named after Orwell’s famous novel of the same name, was aired on January 22 of that year during the third quarter of Super Bowl XVIII. The ad emphasized through the actions of its unnamed heroine rebelling against Big Brother, Apple’s ‘non-conformist’ nature.
8. Apple was recently denied trademark to what term relating to the iphone?
Multi-touch FaceTime FacePalm
The trademark attorney pointed out that the term "multitouch" has taken on generic meaning, being used by a wide variety of publications to describe the touchscreen technology on Android phones, tablets, and notebooks.
9. What was the name of the man popularly held resposible for ousting Steve Jobs from his management responsibilities at Apple?
John Sculley Steve Wozniak Gil Amelio
Jobs had famously lured Sculley from Pepsi into joining Apple in 1983, asking him whether he preferred to "sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?".
10. Jobs attributed what course he took in college to the development of multiple typefaces?
Calligraphy Advanced Typography Programming
At his 2005 commencement address at Stanford he said he "learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great" at Reed College. "If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do," Jobs said.