1. Scientists have found an evolutionary link between man and what sea creature?
Worms Seahorses Sea Cucumbers
Research has discovered that two groups of marine worms are related to vertebrates such as man. Previously thought to be an evolutionary link between simple animals such as jellyfish and the rest of animal life, the Xenoturbella and Acoelomorpha havn’t been as simple as they are now.
2. What popular internet site has created a smart phone?
Amazon Twitter Facebook
London-based INQ Mobile recently revealed two new Android smart phones for the UK market that are designed expressly for 18-28 year-old Facebook users — the INQ Cloud Touch and the INQ Cloud Q.
3. What drug has led to a 99% drop in India's vulture population?
Diclofenac Paracetamol Diovan
The population of Indian vultures, especially White-backed, Long-billed and Slender-billed, an endangered species whose population has suffered a 99 per cent drop mostly due to Diclofenac. This anti-inflammatory drug is as an analgesic for arthritis patients. The vultures typically died due to renal failure after eating the carcasses of livestock that had been administered veterinary Diclofenac. The drug has been banned since 2006.
4. Japanese satellite Hinode has recently discovered what in the Sun?
An image of a deity Holes in the magnetic field Content-size Sunspots
Japan's Sun-watching satellite Hinode spotted two huge ‘coronal holes’ in the star's magnetic field. These gaps allow gas to escape into space through the Sun's super-hot outer atmosphere where they become the ‘solar wind’.
5. Scientists have discovered 10,000-year-old stone carvings in what young nation?
East Timor Serbia Montenegro
Australian scientists stumbled upon the ancient carvings, or petroglyphs, with frontal, stylised faces each with eyes, a nose and a mouth, in an East Timorese cave.
6. An Indian inventor, AK Vishwanath, has claimed to have invented what?
A flying bike A flying car A flying Charpoy
The invention was one of the star attractions at Aero India 2011 Bangalore. It is made out of an 800cc Maruti car and has rotor blades affixed to the roof with extended wheel-arches creating a "vacuum section".
7. What animals are smart enough to make ‘executive decisions' according to scientists?
Asses Cows Sheep
According to New Scientist and the University of Cambridge, sheep can remember faces (other sheep or human), and can recall faces when looking at photographs. Sheep were also able to pass psychological tests that monkeys had failed in.
8. What is the name given to a fossil of a biped that walked astride human ancestors three million years ago?
Lucy Mary Jane
The Australopithecus afarensis is a species that lived more than three million years ago, walked on two feets just like Homo Sapiens. The fossil AL 288-1 was nicknamed Lucy after the Beatles song Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds, which was being played on a loop in the excavation camp at Hadar in Ethiopia.
9. An engineer came up with a bra that does what?
Tells time Inflates at the clap of a hand Unhooks at the clap of a hand
US based engineer Randy Sarafan was inspired by electronic undergarments sold in Syria and has invented a bra clasp that comes off when you clap your hands. What a handy invention!
10. What is the amount of memory that mankind is able to store currently?
7 million exabytes 295 exabytes 950 exabytes
Looking at digital memory and analog devices, researchers found that humans are able to store at least 295 exabytes of information. One exabyte equals one billion gigabytes or one million terabytes.