India’s first chiropractic clinic offers refined ways of treating spinal and joint ailments.
A king was bedridden with a backache. The best medication of the royal physician didn’t bring him relief. When another physician was consulted, he proposed a rather radical approach. He ordered the royal horse to be kept without food or water for four days. The horse was then brought to the king, who was persuaded to mount it. The thirsty animal noticed water in a ditch and galloped towards it. As it bent its head to drink, the king held on to save himself from falling. In the process, his backache was cured.
Today we have more refined ways of treating our spines. One such system is chiropractic, which manipulates body structures (especially the spine) to relieve lower back pain or even headaches or high blood pressure. With sedentary lifestyles leading to back and joint problems, chiropractic is growing in popularity. In North America, it is the third largest healthcare profession after allopathy and dentistry.
India’s first chiropractic clinic recently opened in Gurgaon, at the Bristol Hotel mall. The three chiropractic doctors from Canada who have set up the clinic are also members of the Indian Association of Chiropractic Doctors, which plans to start clinics in Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata this year.
Chiropractic, in Greek, means done by hand. Although practised for centuries, this drugless therapy was officially founded in 1895 by Daniel David Palmer, an American. It makes use of mechanical devices, and lasers and also recommends exercises and diets.
Says Romesh Bhandari, former governor of Uttar Pradesh: “I suffered from a knee problem. Chiropractic treatment gave me relief and I have been cured without surgery.” Harjeet Gulati, a Delhi-based garment trader, tried chiropractic for cervical pain and headaches. He says he received relief after just four sessions.
Dr Ricky S Rana, who divides his time between the Gurgaon clinic and his practice in Canada, says that in North America, chiropractic doctors work in sync with allopaths. They treat upper and lower back pain, arthritic conditions, frozen shoulder, sciatica, knee pain, numbness and tingling in  the arms and legs. Dr Rana also says that chiropractic care has been found to improve athletic performance, with sportsmen like Tiger Woods and Evander Holyfield using it.
Care for back and neck
Sleep on your back or side, never on your stomach. Use a thin pillow.
While sitting, keep your neck and spine straight.
At work, make time for frequent stretch breaks.
While driving, make sure that your seat is not too far back or too low.
Use your legs while lifting anything to keep pressure off your back. Avoid reaching for and lifting overhead objects; stand on a stool instead.
Ensure that your child’s school bag is not overloaded.