Tech giant Google has expanded its employment application 'Kormo Jobs' to India as it is looking forward to helping millions of Indians to land entry-level jobs.


The company launched the employment application in Bangladesh in 2018 and further expanded it to Indonesia, under the brand name Kormo Jobs.

Google in its official blog said, “Encouraged by this momentum and to lend support to employment efforts in a post-pandemic world, we are bringing our Kormo Jobs Android app to India to help even more job seekers discover and apply for jobs across India with an additional gateway.”

Last year, Google also made Kormo available in India under the brand Jobs as a Spot on its payment application - Google Pay.

The company said that ever since it launched the application through Google Pay, many companies including Zomato and Dunzo have posted more than 2 million verified jobs.

It further said that today, the Jobs Spot is being rebranded as Kormo Jobs in India and also making its Android app available to help more job seekers.

The application will help users to identify entry-level job opportunities and also to learn new skills and create CVs.

Kormo is currently available in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and India.