How To Increase Views on YouTube Videos? 11 Expert Tips

Written By DNA Web Team | Updated: Oct 15, 2024, 07:57 PM IST

Whether you’ve just started your YouTube creator career or an old creator who could never make it big, gaining views is one of the greatest challenges of the platform.

With tens of millions of videos fighting for more engagement, it’s quite difficult to get noticed by the right crowd.

However, not anymore, because we’ve covered all the right strategies, including the option to buy YouTube views to make your video views skyrocket much faster!

1. Put Out A+ Content

Good content has always been the greatest secret behind more views. If you’re uncertain about what’s considered “good content,” here are some tips

  • Learn what your target audience prefers and create content accordingly.
  • Ensure your content is interesting throughout.
  • Understand what your audience wants and add your own twist to it.
  • Never copy the strategy of other creators.

2. Craft Engaging Titles

The title of your content has great power. So, curate a title that compels viewers to click on your content – without clickbait or false headlines.

To grab viewers’ attention, write something entertaining that also defines what your video is all about, like: “We tried the hottest sauces of all times.

Other safe bets are “How to do XYZ” or “Best <items> you’ll ever <verb>” lists.

Check out the high-ranking videos of competitors and learn to create good titles within 70 characters.

It’s also great to include numbers, like number of steps/tips/items or even the year. Add more info using brackets and parenthesis.

3. Use Attractive Thumbnails

The thumbnail is the next biggest factor to boost views. To create a good thumbnail, follow these tips:

  • Since YouTube mostly uses the colors red, white, and black, don’t use them as they wash away your thumbnail. Instead, stand out with blue, orange, yellow, and green colors on the thumbnail.
  • The thumbnail must be clear and accurately convey the video intent—no clickbait!

4. Work on the Description

Never assume that nobody cares about the video description—because some viewers do, and YouTube’s algorithm DEFINITELY does!

So, here are a few things to follow:

  • The algorithm focuses more on the first few sentences of the description. So, they must convey video intent clearly.
  • After that, get into the details about the video and use all relevant keywords in the paragraph.
  • If there’s not a lot to say about the video, share more about the channel and add your website and social media links.

5. Use Timestamps in the Description

Time is of ultimate essence and people are losing their patience to watch videos. Timestamps help viewers get down to the gist. The feature helps you retain viewers and prevent them from logging off because your video is too long.

However, that’s not all! Timestamps also make your video more discoverable on Google and YouTube.

This is because the key moments/chapters mention what’s inside your video, and the platforms can highlight those to potential viewers.

This helps them find the video faster while you boost the chances of getting more views!

6. Get Some Useful Tags

Tags are another underrated feature of YouTube. Identify relevant keywords and keyphrases and add them to your tags. Find variations and add them as well to ensure you don’t miss anything.

For instance, if you’re doing a makeup video, besides “makeup,” add tags like “glam makeup” or “soft makeup.”

If it’s a cooking video, you can consider the dish name and major ingredients as tags.

7. Implement Cards and End Screens

Cards and end screens are fabulous ways to draw more views to your content.

When anyone plays your video, YouTube cards are suggestions on the top right of the screen for viewers. These show them other relevant content.

End screens direct viewers (who stay till the end) to a relevant content piece. You can use it to promote 1-2 videos and a subscribe button.

Both promote your other content to viewers and enhance engagement without taking extra watch time to mention it.

8. Consider Buying Some Views

If you’re a budding creator with hardly any viewership, the algorithm can be pretty slow to catch up. This can be demotivating as your effort doesn’t get recognized.

Slow growth often pushes even quality creators to give up on their YouTube dreams. Further, negligible views make you appear less appealing to new viewers.

So, a nice idea is to get a little push to buy real YouTube views from a reliable party that offers 100% authentic users.

Choose an affordable, small package at first, and watch how the algorithm pushes your content to more users.

Your content will also seem more reliable to potential viewers and make them more likely to click on your video.

9. Connect with Other Content Creators

Collaborate with other creators to help each other tap into new viewers. However, it’s better not to choose a direct competitor for this. Otherwise, viewers may find one better than the other, and one of you might lose viewers.

Instead, go for creators who work in the same industry but aren’t your direct competitors. Here are some ideas:

  • Fitness instructor-Nutritionist: Create several workout and meal plans to stay fit.
  • Chef-Food Scientist: Create content where a chef cooks and a food scientist explains the dish’s nutritional value and properties.
  • Photographer-Model: Collaborate and show how even viewers can take breathtaking photos and how anyone can give striking poses.

10. Engage with Your Community

Interact with your viewers’ comments to build a connection with them. This also signals to YouTube that your content is noteworthy.

Either respond to each of them individually or like them all. Especially if someone has a channel membership, make sure to like and reply to their comments! You can also pin comments you resonate with.

11. Conduct Giveaways and Contests

Contests and giveaways keep your viewers excited and engaged. It also encourages people to watch your videos till the end to join the contest. If viewers partake in the contest, they also subscribe to avoid missing any news about the content.

While conducting this, ensure you adhere to YouTube’s policies and guidelines. Pick an exciting gift that’s relevant to your channel brand.

Here are some competition ideas:

  • Tell viewers to like, comment, and share your video on their social media platforms. Share a post with a screenshot and hashtag, and mention you to win a gift card.
  • Give away a gift for reaching a channel milestone. Ask them to drop a comment and subscribe to enter the contest.
  • Ask questions about your channel. The first person to get the correct answers wins something.

However, don’t perform contests too frequently. Otherwise, you’ll invest too much money, time, and resources only on people who want freebies.

Instead, check whether the engagement, subscribers, and views have increased after the contest. If there’s no result, stop conducting them.

Final Thoughts

Of course, getting views takes time and dedication–but you need to enhance your chances with these strategies. Remember, the algorithm will work in your favor only when you make the best use of all available resources.

So, implement all of them today, identify what works better for you, and regularly study the analytics on YouTube Studio.

Only persistence can help you stand out amidst this fierce competition, keep your audience coming back for more content, and get more views!



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