Android is the most popular operating system across the globe and that includes India too. Google Pixel, Nothing, Samsung, OnePlus and other big smartphone brands rely on Google owned Android OS. As most of the work these days is possible through smartphones, we often store and share a lot of our personal information including location, banking details and other via our phone. To keep the users safe, the Indian government has issued a high severity warning for users of Android OS versions 11, 12, 12L, 13 and 14. The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has revealed that multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Android OS which can allow fraudsters to gain access to your sensitive information.


Although the tech giant releases these updates from time to time, many users don’t update the OS often due to lack of data, storage or ease of use. Such devices with older versions of the OS are easy to exploit due to the exposed vulnerabilities. A few such dangerous vulnerabilities have now been mentioned by the Indian government in its warning for Android users.

According to CERT-In, these vulnerabilities exist in Android OS due to flaws in the Framework, System, Google Play system updates, Arm components, Imagination Technologies, MediaTek components, Unisoc components, Qualcomm components and Qualcomm closed-source components.

Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow the attacker to obtain sensitive information and gain elevated privileges on the targeted system. To avoid any swindling, users should apply appropriate patches as mentioned by Google.