In a further tightening of screws, leading US tech giant Facebook has decided to stop pre-installation of its apps on Huawei devices as Trump government cracks down on the Chinese company due to several security concerns. 


Is Huwaei in cahoots with Chinese intelligence has been a long-standing worry among US security and government circles."We are reviewing the Commerce Department's final rule and the more recently issued temporary general license and taking steps to ensure compliance," a Facebook spokesperson told AFP.

Some of the major apps of Facebook are Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp. However, users who buy Huawei phones can download these apps and use them. Also, Facebook has confirmed that people who already have installed apps on their Huawei phones will not be affected by this decision. They can freely use these apps and will also receive subsequent updates provided by Facebook to the apps. Huawei currently enjoys significant clout being the world's second largest smartphone vendor. 

This is the latest in line of problems faced by Huawei. Earlier Google too decided to cut off ties with them which essentially means Huawei users will not have access to Play Store, which is the hub of the majority of the Android apps. For now, Huawei users have to rely on Google open source for their Android OS. However, the Chinese company is also coming up with their own operating system  Microsoft, Qualcomm and ARM too have pulled out of collaboration with Chinese giant Huawei. 

With AFP inputs