Qualcomm announces a new processor to drive wearable technology at Computex. Unlike the Snapdragon Wear 2100 unveiled in February which was best for suited for high-end wearables devices like smartwatches, the latest Snapdragon Wear 1100 chipset can perform a few specific functions and is targeted at the fitness and children tracker category.


The new chipset is compact, measuring only 79 square mm. It comes with an ARM Cortex A7 processor, a Cat 1 modem and supports Linux and RTOS 

Targeting the fitness category the chipset is power efficient while still offering features like LTE, 3G connectivity, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and voice commands.

It also comes with iZat location engine (with multi-GNSS), geofencing, and cell-ID positioning for wearables that keep track of distances travelled and the location of its users.

Snapdragon Wear 1100 is set to ship on May 31, so expect to see these in a lot of devices pretty soon.