Many of you must be thinking as to what will happen to your WhatsApp account after May 15 if you do not accept the new policy of the company. The messenger application has been in the news since the beginning of this year because of its new privacy policy which created quite a lot of controversy.


One of the statements read that WhatsApp will now be sharing its user data with its main application, Facebook and that WhatsApp headquarters will have access to your data. People condemned this claiming that it was a breach of privacy.

WhatsApp, which was set to enforce its new data-sharing policy from May 15, 2021, has said that it will not delete accounts of any users but the application will eventually become useless after continuous reminders. The application will start sending reminders after May 15.

For those who choose not to accept the company's updated terms, the app will continue to show a notification asking to accept with its persistent reminder. At some point, users will encounter limited functionality on WhatsApp until they accept the updates, according to WhatsApp's FAQ page.

"You won't be able to access your chat list, but you can still answer the incoming phone and video calls After a few weeks of limited functionality, you won't be able to receive incoming calls or notifications and WhatsApp will stop sending messages and calls to your phone," the company said.

What will happen after May 15

Users will get frequent reminders to accept the new policy after May 15.

Initially, the reminders will be few, however later they will become 'persistent'.

The application will start to limit the functions like not giving access to chat lists.

Users will be able to open chats through message notifications.

After few days of limited functions, users will not be able to get notifications of calls and messages.

Later on, the WhatsApp account will be completely useless.