A few days back, Shweta Tiwari's estranged husband Abhinav Kohli had taken to his Instagram page and shared a selfie with their son Reyansh Kohli. He wrote about not meeting him for more than 80 days and how much he is missing his son. On Sunday, Abhinav posted another photo with Reyansh and revealed that he spoke to him via a video call for quite some time. He also hopes that they meet soon.


Abhinav first wrote in Hindi which read as "आज बड़े दिनों बाद ख़ुशी आई । आज तीन महीनों बाद मेरी रेयांश से video call पे काफ़ी लम्बी बातें हुई| उम्मीद है जल्द ही मिलूँगा भी। आप सब ने बहुत साथ दिया। शुक्रिया। पहले विरोध हद से ज़्यादा था लेकिन तब भी आप ने बहुत शक्ति दी और अब विरोध ना के बराबर हो गया।"

He also wrote, "Today happiness has knocked my door after months. Today I spoke for quite some time with Reyansh on video call after three months. I am hopeful I will meet him soon. You all have really supported me. Thank You. Initially, the trolling was immense but your support gave me strength, now your support has won and the trolling dwindled."

Check out the post below:

Abhinav's bio also reads as "Being with his father is every child’s birthright. O wife, injure me not your child."

Talking about not meeting Reyansh for a long time, Kohli had also written, "It’s been 83 really long days and I haven’t been able to even see you. I miss talking to you. I miss our drives. I miss you in my GODEE. Sadness grows day by day. I don’t know how long it will take before I can hug you. Our law has become such that a son can be snatched away from his father by the mother. And the father has to pray to the court just to meet his son. The police are helpless. This law is so cruel. It’s my aim that by the time you grow up the Law for a child is such that no mother can keep the child away from his father even for a single day. So that you being a male never have to suffer the separation from your child. And this Law of punishment to an innocent God-like child of separation from his father, for no fault of his is abolished."