Bigg Boss 16 host Salman Khan has come under fire from Sona Mohapatra on social media. The singer said that the host of the well-known reality programme, which featured MeToo-accused Sajid Khan as a competitor, was guilty of "whitewashing" Sajid. Sona mentioned in her most recent tweet that she has previously had Twitter arguments with Salman. 


On Wednesday, Sona Mohapatra tweeted, referring to Salman and his philanthropic brand Being Human, “Whitewashing his own toxic masculinity for eons with #BeingHuman despite being anything but; yes my old foe in twitter wars; #SalmanKhan . Continues the whitewashing in the BRO-HOOD. #SajidKhan . (Btw his gifting watches/food truck/surgeries is only more virtue signalling).” 

For the unversed, The Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) has come out in favour of Sajid Khan amid criticism of his participation in Salman Khan's reality show Bigg Boss 16 and addressed a letter to minister of information and broadcasting, Anurag Thakur. In the letter, FWICE stated that Sajid had already served his one-year suspension. In March 2019, the embargo was lifted.  

The letter from FWICE was written in response to one from Swati Maliwal, the head of the Delhi Commission of Women, to Anurag in which she sought the removal of Sajid from Bigg Boss 16 due to several complaints of sexual misconduct against him. 

The Indian Film and Television Directors Association (IFTDA) had been informed of the accusations against Sajid, according to FWICE, and had proposed a one-year ban on Sajid. Following inquiries by the IFTDA's POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) committee, FWICE concurred and imposed the ban.  

"During this action initiated by the IFTDA and the FWICE, Sajid Khan was issued the non-cooperation from FWICE and was banned from working in the Film Industry for one year. Sajid Khan had co-operated with the IFTDA and FWICE and obeyed the decision of the POSH Committee. FWICE was satisfied with his behaviour during the period of his Ban and after the completion of the one year of this punishment the BAN on Shri Sajid Khan was lifted by the FWICE on 14.03.2019. Sajid Khan has now entered into the BIGG BOSS to earn his living."