After Nisha Rawal's allegations against Karan Mehra, the 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' actor shared his side of the story. Mehra denied having an extramarital affair and alleged that Nisha has always been aggressive. Karan said that she starts throwing things once she gets angry and assumed that things got better eventually. 


Karan told ETimes, "Nisha has been behaving strangely for the past three years. It gets tough to deal with her because of her nature. In April, she told me that we should get separated. I finally relented. It was also becoming increasingly difficult to deal with her erratic behaviour."

Narrating his side of the story of what happened, Mehra said, "So, yesterday, I sat with her and Rohit for a discussion. I told them that I have tried my best to give what I can and would try to add a bit more. I explained that as a father, I would also like to do things for my son and would need money for myself, as I would be living separately. I can’t be on road. You can’t make unreasonable demands while seeking a divorce. One has to understand how much the other person can afford to give as alimony."

While talking about Nisha's behaviour, Karan narrated, "She has always been aggressive and in the beginning, she was physically abusive as well. Usko gussa aata hai toh woh haath paav chalaati hai, usko samajh mein nahi aata hai. (When she gets angry she hits people). She starts throwing and breaking things. I had thought it would get better, and it did to a certain extent, but phir woh activate hone laga. Things have been bad since the past four-five years and there came a point when I became suicidal."