Actor Arun Govil, who played a life-changing character of Ram in Ramanand Sagar's 'Ramayan', which featured on Doordarshan almost three decades back, will reappear on Television, on The Kapil Sharma Show. While talking about his show, the actor happened to reveal some shocking details, about how the cast, consisting of Deepika Chikhalia and Sunil Lahri (Sita and Laxman on the show) was approached for a bold photoshoot and offered hefty amounts for the same.


"While we were shooting for Ramayan, a lot of renowned magazines approached me and the other cast members to do sensuous photoshoots for them. They were so desperate that they were ready to pay hefty amounts of money for it," Arun told IANS.

Stating why neither of the cast members took up on the offer, Arun added, "But none of us accepted their offers and we believed that our audiences look up to and rest their faith in us. We could never take the chance of breaking their trust for money."

A photo of the cast from the sets of The Kapil Sharma Show went viral. In the photo, they are seen with folded hands, just like the trio did on the show, which aired back in 1987.