Bigg Boss 13 finalist and actor Shehnaaz Gill's father Santosh Singh Sukh, in a recent interview, said that he has vowed to never speak to Shehnaaz again. He said that he is upset because even though Shehnaaz was in Chandigarh for a shoot with Sidharth Shukla earlier this week,  she did not visit her family, who were just two hours away. 


Santokh said that he found out only through the media that Shehnaaz was in Chandigarh. He added that he does not even have her manager’s number to get in touch with her.

In an interaction with, Santokh said, "Shehnaaz shot in Chandigarh and could not come to meet her own family which is just two hours away. I came to know about her shooting in Chandigarh also through the media reports and not her personally. Her grandfather has recently undergone a knee operation but she did not bother to at least pay a visit and check on him."

He further added, "Now when will we get a chance to see her, even I do not know, as it is not often that she comes up north to shoot or visit! I do not have her manager’s contact number too to reach out to her. In fact, I have sworn never to speak to her for life!" 



Santokh also shared that Shehnaaz turned down his request to pose for pictures with the children of family friends. 

He said, "I have a few family friends whose kids wanted to get pictures clicked with her as they love her, however, when I requested her she refused saying that there will be too many people and that she doesn’t have time for that. She should at least meet her fans in Punjab if she has come here." 

Recently, Shehnaaz was seen as a special guest on Bigg Boss 14 and played games with the contestants. Sidharth, meanwhile, was seen as one of the "seniors", along with actors Hina Khan and Gauahar Khan in the house for two weeks.