
7 unsung women scientists whose discoveries changed the world

Despite their major contributions, several pioneering women scientists, including Rosalind Franklin and Lise Meitner, remain underrecognized for their key discoveries in fields such as genetics and nuclear physics.

  • Pravrajya Suruchi
  • |
  • Sep 18, 2024, 05:08 PM IST

 Throughout history, numerous groundbreaking discoveries have been made by women scientists who, despite their significant contributions, remain less recognized in popular accounts of scientific advancement. Their work has shaped various fields, from genetics to astrophysics, and their discoveries have had lasting impacts on our understanding of the world.

1. Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin

Field: Molecular Biology
Discovery: Key contributions to understanding the structure of DNA through X-ray diffraction images. Her work was crucial for the discovery of the DNA double helix, though she received little recognition during her lifetime.

2. Lise Meitner

Lise Meitner

Field: Physics
Discovery: Played a major role in the discovery of nuclear fission, which laid the groundwork for nuclear energy. Despite her significant contributions, her colleague Otto Hahn received the Nobel Prize.

3. Chien-Shiung Wu

Chien-Shiung Wu

Field: Physics
Discovery: Conducted the famous Wu Experiment, which disproved the law of conservation of parity. Her work was fundamental to the Nobel-winning discovery of parity violation, yet she was overlooked for the prize.

4. Dorothy Hodgkin

Dorothy Hodgkin

Field: Chemistry
Discovery: Pioneered the use of X-ray crystallography to determine the structures of important biomolecules, including penicillin and insulin. She received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964 but remains less known.

5. Nettie Stevens

Nettie Stevens

Field: Genetics
Discovery: Identified the role of X and Y chromosomes in determining sex. Her groundbreaking research was overshadowed by her male colleagues, though she was one of the first to link chromosomes to inheritance.

6. Mary Anning

Mary Anning

Field: Paleontology
Discovery: Made significant fossil discoveries, including the first complete Ichthyosaurus skeleton, which helped shape early understanding of prehistoric life. Despite her contributions, she was largely ignored by the scientific community.

7. Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Field: Astrophysics
Discovery: Discovered the first radio pulsars while she was a graduate student. Her professor received the Nobel Prize for the discovery, but Bell Burnell's role was largely downplayed.

