Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani’s children Isha Ambani, Akash Ambani and Anant Ambani once appeared on Kaun Banega Crorepati, the hugely popular quiz show hosted by Amitabh Bachchan. During the show, Big B asked some questions related to Mukesh Ambani’s company Reliance Industries and Isha, Akash and Anant looked at ease while answering the questions posed by the Bollywood star. While Isha and Akash successfully answered most of the questions, they sought help from Anant Ambani a few times. During the show, Akash Ambani admitted that Anant, who is the youngest among the three children of business tycoon,  knows everything about Ambani family.


In a video that has gone viral on YouTube, Akash Ambani and Isha Ambani can be seen taking help from Anant when Big B asked them a question about Ambanis’ paternal city of Jamnagar. “Reliance’s Jamnagar site is India’s largest producer of which of the following: a. Mangoes b. Natural Gas c. Polyester d. Oil." Isha said that since Anant has stayed in Jamnagar for a considerable period of time he can answer this question. Anant responded saying it is Mangoes and this is the right answer.

Amitabh Bachchan then asked Isha, Akash, Anant about the company’s exports. “How many countries does Reliance exports its products to? a. 98 b. 108 c. 127 d. 132," Big B asked. Akash and Isha said that it is a tough question but Anant came up with correct answer.

 “How does he know all the answers and you don’t know?" Amitabh asked Akash and Isha. Akash replied, “Now you know how the family works," leaving Amitabh in splits. “Anant knows everything and we follow," he added.

It is to be noted that Anant Ambani tied the knot with Radhika Merchant on July 12  in Mumbai.