Ahead of their big day, Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's Mameru ceremony took place at Antilia in Mumbai on Wednesday. Several videos from the ceremony are going viral on social media. In one such video, Mukesh Ambani and his daughter Isha Ambani were seen enjoying with her kids. The kids are seen dancing and enjoying themselves, accompanied by Akash Ambani, his wife Shloka and her children. Mukesh Ambani's son-in-law Anand Piramal was also present at the occasion. Watch the viral video here:


The Mameru ceremony is a traditional Gujarati ritual. It marks the beginning of the main wedding rituals and celebrations. Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are set to tie the knot on July 12. Meanwhile, during which the bride's maternal uncle, along with her maternal aunt's husband, visit her with sweets and gifts. The ceremony takes place separately at the bride and groom's house.

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