In the bustling city of Bengaluru, known for its ever-present traffic jams, unpredictable monsoon rains, and increasingly challenging rental market, a recent rental listing on 'No Broker' has stirred up quite a buzz. The listing, posted on Reddit by user @saiyaa, features a space so compact that it can barely accommodate a single bed, all for the steep monthly price of Rs 12,000.

A room for bed is a bedroom. WTF Bangalore : )byu/_saiya_ inindia

Located in Mahadevapura, this peculiar rental opportunity was described as a 'one room kitchen' and came with a hefty deposit of Rs 50,000. The post's caption humorously declared, "A room for a bed is, indeed, a bedroom."

The Reddit community had a field day with this peculiar listing. One user jokingly commented, "A luxurious 1RK with a state-of-the-art air vent to vent your feelings and unwind after a long day of work." Another user was more blunt, stating, "This is a toilet converted into a bedroom." The community even came up with its own definitions, with one user remarking, "So before it was a 1RK, it was a 1TK," and another user humorously concluding, "It's essentially a bathroom with a mattress."

The staggering deposit of 2.5 lakhs demanded for this cramped living space left many scratching their heads in disbelief.

Surprisingly, further investigation on the 'No Broker' website revealed that the 1 RK flat did offer a small cooking area, complete with a stove, a mini fridge, and a water purifier. Additionally, two compact cupboards were somehow squeezed into this confined living space. To add to the quirkiness, the owner of the property mentioned a "servant quarter" in the listing, further mystifying potential renters.

The owner had also shared a series of other pictures showcasing the cramped living arrangement, leaving observers both astonished and amused. In a city known for its innovation and technological prowess, this peculiar rental listing in Bengaluru certainly takes the cake for being a 'peak Bengaluru' moment.