In a puzzling turn of events, a bizarre incident has emerged from Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana, leaving devotees in astonishment. During a fervent worship ceremony dedicated to Lord Ganesha, a colossal 11 kg laddu offering mysteriously vanished, leaving the faithful in a state of disbelief.


The peculiar incident unfolded in Miyapur on December 20th, approximately at 4:15 am. The local youth group 'Omkar Seva Samiti' had organized the grand celebration on the Madinaguda National Highway, presenting the substantial laddu as an offering to Lord Gannayak. After an evening of devoted worship, two of the Samiti's attendants were stationed in the pandal for security purposes. However, they were inexplicably incapacitated, and upon awakening, they were met with a baffling sight – the prized laddu had disappeared from its sacred placement before Lord Ganesha.

As pandemonium broke out and devotees scurried in search of answers, one observant individual emerged as a silent witness to the bizarre occurrence. Based on their account, the devotees filed a theft report, prompting the local authorities to launch an investigation into the enigmatic vanishing act.

CCTV footage from the pandal unveiled a shadowy figure entering the scene at 4:20 am and making a hasty exit with the prized laddu. In response to this startling revelation, a formal police complaint was lodged by the Samiti committee at the Miyapur police station. However, the mystery deepens as it remains uncertain whether the laddu will ever be recovered, with the distinct possibility that it was consumed by the elusive thief or accomplices.