LinkedIn India’s Community Manager Raunak Ramteke has recently become a popular figure on social media due to his elaborate description of the LinkedIn office in Bengaluru. In a series of Instagram videos, Ramteke presented the office’s luxurious facilities, which raised the topic of the perfect workplace.The three-day event was aimed at showcasing how the LinkedIn office has been designed in a way that fits the professional setting. Among these are such creatively named meeting rooms as ‘Kaju Katli’ and ‘Gulab Jamun’, which add the Indian spirit into the sphere of business. The office also contains a special gaming area where the workers can play, for instance, cricket to relax and be a team.Also, a music room is provided to allow the team members to be creative and free from the working environment. The posts that Ramteke created have become viral, and many people who saw the video shared their appreciation and wished to work in such an environment. Such comments were such as “This is the kind of office that makes you want to go to work every day!” and “Craving to be in the gulab jamun room,” which shows a desire for optimal work and play. 


This is not a new trend where companies get to show just how great their corporate offices are. Similarly, a video of an employee at a Google Singapore office went viral for the same reason earlier this year, and it is important to understand how workplaces are changing in the twenty-first century.With more organisations realising that employee health and happiness have a direct impact on organisational performance, Ramteke’s tour of LinkedIn’s Bengaluru campus shows how design can improve efficiency and satisfaction. Increasingly, professionals are looking for jobs that allow them to be comfortable while also being creative, and Ramteke’s posts show that there is demand for more playful corporate environments.