Some monkeys got into the Supreme Court of India and, to the amusement of the people present there, they took away a bag. The event occurred in a busy corridor; one monkey jumped on a shelf near a courtroom door, took a bag, and ran to a parapet to check what was inside.


A video posted by senior advocate Sanjay Hegde shows the prime searching in the bag and finally coming across a lunch box. The monkey threw the empty bag over the edge while the lawyers watched and laughed, and everybody present was entertained. The video has since attracted more than 50,000 views and social media users have come up with hilarious comments.

Some of the comments included jokes about the monkeys wearing what they called “briefs,” while others thought about law and order in the country. One user humorously proposed the monkeys were helping ordinary people fight for justice, while the other user thought of a lawyer trying to explain to the court where his lunch went. As one of the comments said, “Milord, I wanted to submit my affidavit, but it’s missing… along with my lunch.”

This funny story appears only a few days after the Delhi High Court ordered the authorities of the capital to deal with the escalating problem of the “monkey nuisance.” The experience shows that not only is wildlife a threat in urban areas, but such occurrences can also make even serious places such as the Supreme Court a little less serious.

The audience has liked the combination of comedy and confusion and the message that even in the offices of law and order there can be some pranking around.