Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed a "new member" to his residence at Lok Kalyan Marg in Delhi on Saturday. The new addition is a calf, born to a cow at the Prime Minister’s home, distinguished by a unique light-shaped mark on its forehead. Inspired by this marking, PM Modi named the calf 'Deepjyoti,' meaning 'the light of lamp.' In a video, the Prime Minister is seen affectionately petting, playing with, and walking around the garden with the newborn calf in his arms. He also shared photographs of his time spent with the calf at his residence.


He took X, and shared the glimpse of the cute calf, he wrote, "It is said in our scriptures - 'Gaav: Sarvasukha Prada:'. There has been a auspicious arrival of a new member in the Prime Minister Housing Family on Lok Kalyan Marg. In the Prime Minister's residence, the beloved mother cow has given birth to a new calf, which has a symbol of light on its forehead. Hence, I have named it ‘Deepjyoti’.

Notably, PM Modi posted a video of himself feeding Punganur cows at his home in January of this year, in honour of Makar Sankaranti. The Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, in particular, is the native home of the Punganur breed in south India. This breed is one of the tiniest humped cattle breeds in the world.