Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, a Russian billionaire, has announced he is offering his sperm for free to women who want to have children through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Durov has even pledged to cover all IVF costs for participating women through a partnership with Altravita, a fertility clinic.
The clinic’s official website shared, "We are happy to offer you a unique opportunity! Only in our clinic can you undergo IVF for free, using Pavel Durov’s sperm - one of the most famous and successful entrepreneurs of our time."
This offer follows Durov’s revelation in July that he has over a hundred biological children across 12 countries. In a detailed post, he explained his journey as a sperm donor, which began 15 years ago. “A friend asked me to donate sperm due to his fertility issue with his wife. I laughed it off at first, but realized he was serious,” Durov wrote.
Since then, Durov’s donations have reportedly helped over a hundred couples in different countries to conceive. “Even years after I stopped donating, at least one clinic still has my frozen sperm for anonymous use by families seeking children,” he added.
Durov’s announcement comes amid his legal troubles in France. In August, he was briefly detained at Bourget Airport near Paris as part of an investigation concerning his messaging app, Telegram. Durov left Russia in 2014 after refusing government demands to shut down opposition communities on his VK platform, which he later sold.