In a chilling scene that could be straight out of a horror movie, a cobra was found inside a toilet commode in Indore, India. The frightening discovery was captured on video and shared on Instagram by renowned snake rescuer Rajesh Jat. The video quickly went viral, sparking intense reactions and widespread fear among internet users.


The video shows Jat carefully extracting the cobra from the commode, a task that left viewers both horrified and awestruck. Comments flooded in, with many expressing their disbelief and terror at the incident, which has been dubbed by some as their "worst nightmare."

Reactions on social media varied from praise for Jat’s bravery to shock at the sheer danger of the situation. One user commented, "It’s time we start praying for you, 'cause this is very risky." Another praised Jat, saying, "You are the real brave man." The video also drew reactions highlighting the extreme nature of the rescue, with one individual stating, "Insane bro, most people wouldn’t dare even if they got paid to do it."

Humor also found its way into the comments, with one user joking, "You forgot to be scared, my guy." Others questioned Jat’s motivations, with a comment reading, “That looks crazy, why did you do it?” Another remark highlighted the extraordinary nature of the rescue, saying, "That’s crazy, taking rescue to another level!"

The incident has once again brought to light the challenges and dangers faced by snake rescuers like Rajesh Jat. Despite the horror of the situation, Jat’s calm and composed handling of the cobra has earned him admiration and respect from people across the internet.