While addressing common issues of children, parents often find themselves in a fix while attempting to find best ways to handle the situation. While some parents resort to disciplinary action to teach lessons to their kids, a man has recently taken an 'extreme step' to make his daughter understand the value of education. 


A viral video, shared on 'X', featured a father who turned his daughter's room into a jail cell, after he found that his daughter had skipped Math class with a couple of friends. 

The video clip captured the father removing his daughter's belongings from the room including her bed, television, clothes, slippers and so. Moreover, he made his daughter wear a T-shirt that said, "I skipped Math class".

“My daughter cut her 2nd period math class with 2 of her friends. So, I decided for her punishment, I would her room into her own personal jail cell. The fact that she even trying to test me crazy because lord knows I try but know I gotta get diabolical. I can be very cool dad or I can be the very crazy dad in crazy way. So I took everything from her, literally everything. But there is more like having to where this one outfit for the next 2 days, including a shirt that says, I skipped math class", he explained in the video. 

Meanwhile, several users lashed out at the father, terming this action as 'a form of abuse'. 

"This is literally abuse and nothing will convince me otherwise", a user commented. 

"As a dad, this is a bit much. I’m talking about taking the bed and posting it on social media. These are the same people who shout, ‘You can’t tell me how to parent,’ but then show us just how bad they are at it,” another comment read.

A third commented, "This is so gross and weird. The effort and energy he took to do this, he could’ve spent sitting her down and having a CONVERSATION with her about why skipping is not okay. That would’ve been more beneficial than this. He’s gonna be shocked when she goes no-contact with him.”