Two teenagers from Pune put their lives at serious risk by performing a dangerous stunt for an Instagram reel. The video of their reckless act has gone viral on social media platform X, leading to widespread outrage and calls for their arrest.


In the video, a young girl is seen hanging precariously from the edge of what appears to be a fort, with only another boy holding her hand from above. While this risky stunt was taking place, one of their friends filmed the entire scene for social media.

The clip has sparked fury among social media users, who have flooded the comments section with demands for police intervention. Many users tagged police officials, urging them to take action against the teenagers. One comment highlighted the extreme danger of the stunt, stating, “Please look into this. It's absolutely dangerous and a tragedy waiting to happen.” Another user insisted on strict consequences, saying, “They must be jailed to set an example for others. What is this obsession for fake likes and popularity on social media?”

The post was filled with similar angry comments. One pointed out the use of special effects and safety measures in movies, contrasting it with the teenagers' foolhardy behavior: “Even in movies where such scenes are shown, they use VFX. Major movie stars use harness. Who are these dumb people and why aren't they arrested yet?”

This incident highlights the growing issue of people risking their safety for online attention and underscores the need for responsible social media use. As the conversation around this incident continues, it serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers associated with the relentless pursuit of viral fame.