Indian cuisine, known for its vibrant flavors and diverse dishes from various regions, has gained worldwide recognition. Recently, an Indian man in the Netherlands, Anuvind Kanwal, shared a humorous video on Instagram about his office's attempt at Indian food.


In the video, Mr. Kanwal showed some "questionable" dishes served at his workplace, including "bell pepper dal" and "padima chutney," along with bite-sized naans and green beans. He captioned the post, "The Indian food at my office in the Netherlands is a bit questionable. I sure don't want to know what 'Padima Chutney' is made of."

The clip, posted a few days ago, has gone viral with nearly 1 million views and over 6,000 likes. In the comments, opinions were mixed. Some praised the company for trying to be diverse, while others questioned the research behind the dishes.

One user commented, "The fact that they're making an effort is appreciable in itself." Another added, "I think it's great that they are trying to be more inclusive and adventurous with their taste buds." Some users drew comparisons to how international cuisines are sometimes adapted in India, while others suggested offering advice to the cooks.

Overall, the video sparked a lively discussion, with some feeling offended by the interpretation of Indian cuisine and others appreciating the effort to accommodate diverse tastes.

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