Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan recently praised Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during an event in Mumbai. Speaking at the India Today Conclave, Khan expressed his admiration for Gandhi’s resilience and hard work.


“I like a brave and honest politician,” Khan said when asked about political leaders like Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, and Aam Aadmi Party’s Arvind Kejriwal. According to Khan, all of them are brave politicians who can lead India into the future.

However, Khan highlighted Gandhi’s journey, noting that the Congress leader has managed to change the perception people had of him. “What Rahul Gandhi has done is very impressive because there was a time when people were disrespecting the things he was doing or saying. He has turned that around by working very hard,” Khan said.

While discussing politics, Khan also commented on the strength of Indian democracy but did not elaborate further on his political opinions.

The video of Saif Ali Khan praising Rahul Gandhi has gone viral on social media, receiving attention from many. Congress spokesperson Shama Mohamed shared the clip on her X handle (formerly Twitter), agreeing with Khan’s remarks. She wrote, “Rahul Gandhi Ji has changed people’s views about him through his hard work.”