Candies have long been a beloved treat, boasting an array of flavors that cater to diverse palates. From sweet and fruity sensations to the more adventurous sour and tangy delights, these confections have held a special place in the hearts of many. Despite parental warnings and dentist recommendations, it seems that clandestine visits to the candy store for one's favorite sugary indulgence are nearly universal. However, among these beloved candies, sour varieties have carved out a niche following among a particular group of enthusiasts.


In a bold and unprecedented move, a social media influencer recently ventured to tackle what has been touted as the "world's sourest candy" - the infamous 'Black Death'. This daring undertaking, documented in a video shared across various social media platforms, has set the internet ablaze, garnering significant attention and sparking fervent discussions online.

The packaging for these intensely sour confections came adorned with a cautionary label, explicitly stating that they were "not suitable for anyone under eight years of age." Undeterred by this forewarning, the intrepid woman proceeded to unbox the candy package, providing her initial impressions. She described the candies as "intimidating," likening their appearance to "glass and concrete."

However, it was the moment when the candy touched her tongue that things took a dramatic turn. The influencer's visceral and seemingly uncontrollable reaction, marked by unusual movements and piercing screams, left no doubt that the taste of 'Black Death' was an experience far from enjoyable.

This captivating video was shared on Instagram just four days ago. Since then, it has amassed a staggering 2.3 million views and continues to attract an ever-growing audience. Countless viewers have not only watched the video but have also engaged by leaving their thoughts and comments.

Here's how people from around the world reacted to the viral video:

"Imagine stumbling upon this while scrolling through your feed," one individual mused.

Another viewer expressed concern, stating, "If I were watching this in person, I'd call an ambulance and the nearest exorcist immediately."

"Her reaction is genuine; the candy is indeed that extreme," emphasized a third.

A fourth viewer found humor in the situation, noting, "This video is hands down one of the funniest things I've seen all year. Thank you for making my day."

"This is the best video I've come across in 2023," shared a fifth.