Nov 5, 2023, 06:07 AM IST

10 life-lessons by IAS Divya Mittal


Believe in yourself even when no one believes in you. Especially at that time believe in yourself. Don't let other people define what you can or cannot do. 

Believe in yourself

Only you know the struggles you have faced in life. And hence you know the difficulty of what you have achieved. Be proud of what you have done till now. Be hopeful of the future.

Be proud of your accomplishments

There are all kinds of people in this world. Some are not so good. But most of the world is nice and kind. Don't give up on people and humanity. 

Believe in the goodness of people

You don't even know how much strength you can give to each other by just being there. Tell your friend who is going through a difficult time that you will be there. Then you will see that they will be able to overcome their problems themselves. 

Stand by each other

Don't compare yourself with others. Seeing other's picture-perfect life on social media is a major cause of sadness these days. Be happy with yourself. 

Don't compare

Social media makes us believe everyone is happy all the time. That is not true. Don't force yourself to be happy. You will be sad at times. Sadness is a part of life.

Being sad is ok

Even when you are following your dreams, there will be times when you have to do things that you do not enjoy as much. Don't run after instant gratification all the time.  Focus on the long term. 

Learn to like what you do

Be grateful for the things you have. Don't take things, people and feelings for granted. Never hurt the feelings of another person. If they slip away from you, you will realize how difficult it is to live without them. 

Be greatful

While being sad is normal, if the feeling of melancholy or any other psychological feeling is persistent, get yourself checked by a medical practitioner. There is no embarrassment in admitting a mental issue. Get treated. 


You are wonderful the way God has made you. Don't let your self image be poor because you do not fit into some convention of society. 

You are beautiful