Jul 1, 2024, 11:23 PM IST

7 hardest engineering courses across the world

Varnika Srivastava

Nuclear engineering is a challenging field that involves designing, developing, operating, and maintaining systems using nuclear energy, primarily for electrical energy production through nuclear fission and fusion processes.

Nuclear energy

Aerospace engineering, ranked second in toughest engineering courses, involves designing, developing, testing, and operating aircraft, spacecraft, and related systems. 

 Aerospace Engineering

Biomedical engineering bridges biology and medicine, providing solutions like pacemakers, artificial limbs, and diagnostic tools for healthcare facilities, despite being one of the toughest engineering courses.

Biomedical Engineering

Chemical engineering is a challenging and fascinating engineering branch that combines chemistry and engineering.

Chemical engineering

Almonds are a great source of calcium and protein while being low in sugar. These qualities make them ideal for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Civil engineering

Computer engineering is a challenging and rewarding career that combines computer science and electronic engineering to create hardware and software. 

Computer science

Architectural engineers design structures promoting sustainability, offering competitive salaries and a unique opportunity to contribute to the engineering profession.

Architectural Engineering