Jun 20, 2024, 10:09 AM IST

6 Indian celebrities who left Islam for Hinduism

Riya Sharma

Here's a look at some of the Indian celeb who converted to Hinduism from Islam

Nayyara Mirza was crowned Femina’s Miss India in 1967. She adopted the name Nalini Patel after marrying and settling in the USA and is now reportedly as practicing Hindu

Govinda's mother, 40s' actress Nazim Ali, was born as Nazim Ali, she converted to Hinduism and was then named Nirmala Devi

Iranian actress Mandana Karimi, converted from Islam to Hinduism

The actress changed her name from Manizhe Karimi to Mandana after marriage with Gaurav Gupta

Actress Zubeida Begum converted according to Arya Samaj rites to marry Maharaja Hanwant Singh of Jodhpur. She was later known as Vidya Rani

Actress Lakshmi Priya wife of P. Jayesh was born as Sabina Abdul Lateef, however, she converted to Hinduism after marriage

Hindustani classical musician Annapurna Devi was born as Roshanara Khan, and was given this name by a Maharaj

however, she converted to Hinduism after marriage to Ravi Shankar and her name Annapurna Devi got legalised