Dec 11, 2023, 09:59 AM IST

9 motivational quotes by Om Puri


I had hoped when my life was chronicled, it would be an inspirational story.

Actors are just soldiers who follow commands.

Parallel cinema has not made an effort to communicate in a language the other person understands.

I don't spend on expensive brands. I don't need foreign holidays.

I don't expect anything from anybody. When you grow old... Your days are gone; it is part of life.

Fat noses have no place in the Hindi film industry. But it is not so in the West - otherwise, Anthony Quinn would have never been an actor.

In theatre, you've got to make the connect with your audience in the first three minutes. If you haven't, you know you've almost lost them

I have no regrets at all. I have done quite well for myself. I didn't have a conventional face, but I have done well, and I am proud of it.

I prefer working in good cinema, wherever it is. I like subjects that have a universal appeal.