Nov 10, 2023, 06:53 AM IST

9 motivational quotes by Johnny Lever


Some hidden talent lies within everyone.

To do comedy, there are so many hurdles one has to cross.

I believe that if you give with one hand, the other hand shouldn’t know of it.

Standup is like shorthand. Every bit must be both brief and profound or the audience will lose interest.

My poverty taught me a lot. If someone dies, I cannot cry as I have seen so much hardship and death. I went to shoot even the day my dad had died.

I am not funny in real life, but it’s my work to make people laugh.

You see in comedy – performance is the cake and dialogue is like the icing on that cake.

A comedian’s job itself is tough. But I have been lucky to have made people laugh.

I would love to do a substantial role but it has to suit me, my personality. Only then will I take it up