Nov 20, 2023, 09:51 AM IST

9 motivational quotes by Shweta Tiwari


I am not brave. I am very weak. I am trying to overcome my problems. I do cry, I do break but I think that's normal.

My strength is my passion. I work with my passion

There are so many people around who are unsuccessful in life. They still bother to pinpoint because they think that if they are not able to do anything, they should humiliate those who are doing something.

If my one hand stops working, I won't stop living my life. I will start using my other hand. Similarly, if one part of my life goes wrong, I won't stop leading my life.

The only advise I can give to all the ladies is that don't take any wrong step or harm yourself when you are under depression. Be strong and try to handle it.

I want to ask those people who are saying how can her marriage go wrong even for the second time. I want to ask them why can't things go wrong.

When I got married at the peak of my career, people told me that it's over for me. But I didn't let people's opinion penetrate my mind.

Believe me I've been to Paris and I think that no place is safe in the world. We women need to care of ourselves wherever we go.