Jun 23, 2024, 04:48 PM IST

 6 fruits to avoid before sleeping

Varnika Srivastava

Apples are a nutritious fruit with fibers and antioxidants, but their acidity can cause indigestion and heartburn at night, making it best to avoid them.

Watermelons' high sugar and water content can disrupt sleep by increasing energy levels and requiring frequent bathroom use.

Bananas, due to their high fibre and sugar content, can cause digestive issues at night, so it's best to consume them during the day.

Pineapples, rich in bromelain, can cause digestive system inflammation, leading to acidity or discomfort during sleep.

It is best to avoid having chikoo at night as its high fibre and sugar content may hamper your sleep cycle. The sugar can energize you making difficult to fall asleep.

Guavas should not be consumed at night due to stomach discomfort and fiber content, which can disrupt sleep cycles by stimulating bowel movements.

Here are a few fruits that you should not consume before sleeping.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports