Jul 12, 2023, 12:35 AM IST

10 side-effects of having milk at night

Sonali Sharma

Here are 10 reasons why milk should not be consumed at night before you hit the bed.

Milk shouldn't be consumed before bed because it includes lactose and protein. As a result, your sleep will take longer, and occasionally, people will experience sleep problems.

The body begins detoxifying itself during the night, a process that is disrupted by milk. That is, people who drink milk at night experience particularly sluggish liver functioning.

While drinking hot milk at night is still generally considered fine, it is not recommended if you often fall asleep after drinking cold milk.

A lot of dietitians think that drinking milk at night affects digestion. Stop drinking milk at night if you have an unclean stomach or digestive issues.

Your chance of gaining weight may also rise if you consume milk at night. A glass of milk has about 120 calories, yet since people sleep after consuming milk, no calories are even burned.

Drinking milk at night slows down the process of digestion and affects the liver functioning, which further impacts the metabolic rate and leads to fat deposition and weight gain.

Milk consumption at night slows digestion and has an impact on liver function, which has an additional negative impact on metabolic rate and promotes fat storage and weight gain.

Drinking milk may trigger discomfort, diarrhea and stomach ache as it gets difficult for the body to metabolize the protein, while the body is at rest. 

Drinking milk at night may silently impact health and lead to weight gain