Jul 17, 2023, 11:09 AM IST

Chest infection: 10 superfoods to fight pneumonia


Yogurt contains probiotics which prevent the growth of germs leading to the spread of pneumonia in lungs.


Honey is an effective food to cure pneumonia. As it contains healing properties, it helps suppress the symptoms of pneumonia like cough and cold.


Having turmeric provides relief to chest pain. Its anti-inflammatory properties are effective towards healing congestion, at the same time it also prevents chest infection.


Adding ginger in your food or tea will be a great cure to pneumonia as it contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.


They are an excellent source of vitamin C that promotes a strong immune system. Vitamin C is also effective towards suppressing pneumonia symptoms like, cough, chest pain and difficulty in breathing.


Kiwi is a great food considered for pneumonia patients to have because of its high content of vitamin C. It also has anti-inflammatory properties for faster recovery.


People who experience pneumonia, it becomes very essential for them to add chicken in their diet. Chicken is a protein rich food with anti-inflammatory properties which helps fight pneumonia.


Brown rice contains a good amount of carbohydrates that provides energy to the body which is extremely needed for curing pneumonia.

Brown rice

Nuts contain anti-inflammatory properties which are extremely beneficial for curing pneumonia as well.


They contain antioxidants that fight chest infections like pneumonia.
