Apr 7, 2023, 06:13 PM IST

5 Yoga asanas to relieve gas and bloating

Sonali Sharma

Ardha Apanasana

The asana's name translates as "wind-relieving pose." The position is ideal for facilitating the passage of trapped gas via your intestines.

Ananda Balasana

This exercise, commonly known as the 'happy baby pose' is a great groyne and hamstring stretch. It extends the intestines, allows gas to pass and eases cramping.


Low lunges are a terrific hip-opening stretch that are great for anyone who spends all day in front of a computer. They also help you pass gas since they stretch out your pelvic muscles.


In this position, gravity is used to settle your stomach and lengthen your spine. It massages the digestive system's organs to ease bloating and cramping.


This traditional yoga stance releases stress in the pelvic region and is calming for the gut and the mind.