May 1, 2023, 10:58 PM IST

6 Yoga asanas to manage asthma naturally


Poorvottanasana: In addition to strengthening the wrists, back, arms, and spine, the Upward Plank Pose aids to improve your breathing and the thyroid gland as well.

Kapal Bhati: This breathing method energises the nerve system while calming the subconscious mind. It also enhances the flow of blood and cleanses all nadis (energy channels).

 Badhakonasana: This pose promotes and accelerates blood circulation, alleviates weariness, and manages asthma.

Shavasana: This pose energises you, lowers stress and anxiety, and aids in transforming the body into a peaceful state. To combat asthma, the body must be quiet and relaxed.

Pavanamuktasana: Asthma sufferers can benefit from the powerful asana, which soothes the abdomen systems and aids in digestive and air clearance.

Setu Bandhasana, not only prevents thyroid issues but also unlocks up the lungs and chest area. Additionally, it enhances metabolism and is very beneficial for asthma sufferers.