Jul 2, 2024, 07:19 PM IST

7 habits of lonely people

Pravrajya Suruchi

Social Isolation: This is a big one. Lonely people tend to withdraw from social interaction or have difficulty forming close relationships.

Negative Self-Talk: A critical inner voice can be a barrier to connection. Lonely people may engage in negative self-talk, focusing on their flaws or believing they are unlovable.

Unrealistic Expectations: Having unrealistic expectations of themselves or others in relationships can lead to disappointment and isolation.

Fear of Rejection: The fear of being rejected can prevent people from putting themselves out there and forming new connections.

Dwelling on the Past: Focusing on past negative social experiences or lost relationships can hinder moving forward and building new connections.

Comparing Themselves to Others: Social media can be a breeding ground for this. Constantly comparing your life to others' seemingly perfect online personas can exacerbate feelings of loneliness.

Lack of Vulnerability: Building strong connections requires vulnerability. Lonely people might struggle to share their true selves with others, hindering true intimacy.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports