Dec 8, 2023, 12:44 PM IST

7 health benefits of betel nuts (supari)

Sonali Sharma

The betel nut, also known as the areca nut and are commonly referred as supari in India. Here are several benefits of betel nuts:

The betel nut, also known as the areca nut, boasts a nutritional profile enriched with compounds like Vitamin B6 and C, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron, proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fibres.

Benefit of betel nuts is their effectiveness in alleviating nausea or vomiting.

Betel nut is surprisingly beneficial for toothaches

Betel nuts can also address various gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation and worm infestations.

Betel nuts can be a source of increased energy and enhanced stamina.

Consume 10 to 15 ml of areca nut decoction for regularizing periods and for relief from menstrual cramps

Boil betel nuts in hot water, let it cool down and gargle the concoction to beat mouth ulcers and for instant relief from bleeding gums

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