Jul 26, 2023, 11:00 AM IST

Liver disease: 7 superfoods to fight Jaundice


Jaundice is a disease which occurs due to the building up of bilirubin levels in the blood. Jaundice is a often a problem associated with the liver and pancreas. It is a condition where one experiences the skin and eyes turning yellow.

Some other symptoms of Jaundice include yellow colour inside the mouth, dark or brown coloured urine and itching as well.

So in order to avoid these symptoms, we recommend 7 superfoods which are effective in fighting jaundice.

As they are packed with Vitamin E and healthy fats, they are helpful to recover your body from Jaundice.


They are liver friendly foods that helps cure Jaundice well.


It’s essential for Jaundice patients to eat sweet potatoes as they are high in digestive enzymes and fibre which treats Jaundice well.

Sweet Potatoes

It is great food for detoxifying the liver and specially recommended for Jaundice patients to eat.


Start including spinach in your diet as it promotes a faster recovery from Jaundice.


Carrot is a great way to fight jaundice as it helps in detoxifying the liver.


It contains lycopene that reduce the risk of liver problems, hence effective in fighting Jaundice.
