Sep 20, 2023, 10:27 PM IST

7 Symptoms of liver problems

Khushi Patel


It happens when the liver is unable to adequately break down the yellow pigment known as bilirubin, which is produced when red blood cells are broken down. It may indicate a number of liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, or a bile duct obstruction


Fatigue that lasts for a long time and isn't explained is a typical sign of liver issues. The body's ability to metabolize nutrients and eliminate poisons is greatly influenced by the liver. Feelings of weakness and exhaustion can result from it not working properly

Abdominal Pain

The upper right side of the abdomen, directly below the ribcage, is frequently the location of liver pain or discomfort. It may be caused by inflammation, an enlarged liver, or liver congestion and present as dull, aching, or acute pain


Swelling and fluid retention, particularly in the belly and legs, can be caused by liver issues. When the liver is unable to adequately manufacture albumin, a protein that aids in controlling the fluid balance in the body, ascites, a swelling known as that, develops

Changes in Urine and Stool

Changes in the color of the feces and urine may be a sign of liver problems. Excess bilirubin can cause dark urine, whereas a deficiency in bile pigment might cause pale or clay-colored feces

Itchy Skin

Pruritus, or itchy skin, is another name for liver issues. Itching may result from the buildup of bile salts in the bloodstream that happens when the liver isn't working properly

Unexplained Weight Loss

When the liver is afflicted by conditions like cirrhosis, hepatitis, or liver cancer, unintentional weight loss may take place. It might be brought on by modifications to the body's nutrient absorption capacity, metabolism, or hunger